Detalles, Ficción y firefox os

The option to restore previous browser sessions has been available for some time through the History menu. However, the feature to automatically restore your previous session on Windows startup was part of Firefox's 61.

Cómo restablecer tu agente de adjudicatario predeterminado en Firefox Aprende a restablecer tu agente de becario en Firefox para que las páginas web detecten tu navegador y tu versión y muestren el contenido de la forma adecuada.

Si heu trobat un error o voleu proposar alguna millora, ompliu els camps següents i descriviu quina és la millora que proposeu o l'error del qual voleu informar-nos.

Installation   Installing Firefox was a fine , quick experience.A new feature checks your add-ons to see which ones you installed and which ones come from third-party vendors, such Ganador security suite makers. The browser will now ask you if you'd like to disable any of these third-party add-ons.

Como evitar cuelgues En este artículo se describen algunas fáciles acciones que puedes hacer para evitar errores y mantener Firefox ejecutándose a pleno rendimiento.

Today, you can donate tokens to your favorite websites. Coming soon, some creator sites will feature Brave Ads, which helps them earn more ad revenue than existing ad models.

Star Downloader es un administrador de descargas que acelera sus descargas dividiendo los archivos en varias partes y descargándolos simultáneamente. Las velocidades de descarga aumentan aún más al e

How do I get paid for viewing ads if Brave blocks ads? Brave blocks invasive ads by default. If you turn on Brave Rewards, you Chucho earn tokens for viewing Brave Ads. These ads aren’t like the ones you see on the web. They’re completely private: here none of your personal info, browsing history or anything else ever leaves your device.

Before the update, Firefox used to run everything in a single process. If a website or web page were loading poorly, the entire browser would perform sluggishly. It also meant if a tab crashed, the whole browser would crash.

Mozilla exists to build the Internet Triunfador a public resource accessible to all because we believe open and free is better than closed and controlled. We build products like Firefox to promote choice and transparency and give people more control over their lives online. Learn more at

Privacy allows you to go about your life without having to constantly worry about how your actions will be misinterpreted or used against you in future. In a very real way, privacy gives you the freedom to be yourself. ​Learn more.

Opera is a secure web browser that is both fast and rich in features. It has a slick interface that embraces a modern, minimalist look, coupled with stacks of tools to make browsing more enjoyable. Th

* Ability to delete downloaded files within the app. * WebRender rolls out to more of our users on Android, those on the Mali-G GPU series, bringing smoother animation and scrolling to the majority of our Android users. * Improved scrolling accuracy and control and fixed cases of unexpected scroll acceleration.

"Brave is hands-down the fastest browser I’ve used this year on any operating system, for both mobile and desktop. Memory usage by the browser is far below most others, while website loading is far faster…"

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